One of the things we really like about packrafts is that they are almost maintenance free. It suits our somewhat free-spirited nature.

However, there are a few things about packraft care, especially if you have a TIZIP-equipped boat.

How do I take care of packraft?

Nothing special. Except for boats equipped with the TIZIP system, where zipper care is essential (see below), you don't have to overdo it with packraft care.

  • During the action the packraft requires essentially no attention. After inflating the packraft temper (put it in water for a while, which will usually be colder than the air - for this reason the volume of air in the boat will decrease and the boat will soften) and then inflate it again.
  • During stops Do not leave the packraft inflated in the sun during stops. Direct sun and heat can really increase the air pressure in the boat and can damage seams, zippers, etc. Ideally the boat should be inflated for safety during breaks on hot days.
  • After every trip Always rinse the packraft of dirt and sand and allow to dry after the event. Then roll it up loosely and throw it somewhere in a closet or under the bed out of the sun's rays. That's all.

What is TIZIP and how to care about it?

TIZIP is a waterproof and airtight zipper system ... developed more than 20 years ago in Germany, where it is still manufactured today. It is used wherever there is a need to keep things dry in outdoor environments. It's great for packrafting for a simple reason, besides being waterproof, it's also airtight! By using TIZIP you can actually make your packraft one big drybag.

Je-li váš packraft vybaven systémem TIZIP, je nutné se o něj starat, a to v podstatě neustále.

The zip needs to be cleaned and lubricated not only after every use, but ideally also during multi-day trips and expeditions Any dirt in the zipper means a reduction in its functionality and therefore probably leaks air out of the boat.. And you don't want that, of course.

How to clear TIZIP?

To care for TIZIP, all you need is a small cloth or a piece of cloth that doesn't shed hair, an old toothbrush and silicone lubricant to maintain TIZIP. Keep this kit, wrapped so that no dirt can get to it, with you every time you use the packraft.

When using packraft, it logically gets dirty. A big enemy of the TIZIP system is especially sand and other small dirt that can get between the individual teeth when opened. Subsequently, the zipper may not close or may not seal 100%. Always inspect the zipper before closing it and use a toothbrush to remove dirt.

When placing the load inside the packraft (ideally in a waterproof bag), always ensure that the surface of the bag is free of sand and other debris. The bag usually touches the zipper when it is loaded into the packraft and can become soiled.

How to lubricate TIZIP?

TIZIP must also be lubricated regularly. Because lubricant attracts sand and small debris, never apply lubricant directly to the teeth of the zipper. Close the zipper and use a cloth to apply the lubricant from the outside to the closed zipper so that the entire length is lubricated. Then wipe off any excess lubricant that would otherwise attract small debris. Open the zipper and use a cloth to apply a small amount of lubricant to the zipper and also to the ends of the runner. Close and open the zipper several times - everything should run perfectly smooth. If the zipper does not run smoothly, inspect it, clean it again if necessary and apply lubricant.

Ideally, there should always be a thin coating of luricant on the zipper so that the zipper slider can be easily opened and closed.

Caution: always lubricate the TIZIP before using the packraft for the first time. New packraft does not have TIZIP lubricated!

How to store packraft with TIZIP?

Always leave the zipper open after use to allow it to dry completely. If conditions do not allow the zipper to dry and you have to travel home from your expedition with wet packraft, for example, pack the boat so that air can reach the zipper and breathe.

Then at home, fold the packraft ideally so that the TIZIP is not folded.

Recommended packrafts

  • Ultima Tramp


  • Ultima Eddy


  • Ultima Toronto


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