A friend for hiking, lake and river
Price 19900 Kč – 21900 Kč
Tramp is a modern-day explorer, that can take you to the ends of the earth. A lightweight packraft not just for backpacking. It can handle the lake and lighter, wilder water, and will carry you and all the cargo you need for a multi-day adventure.
Where Ultima Tramp excels?
Wild water specialist
Price 21900 Kč – 23900 Kč
The ultimate wild water packraft. A partner with which you can safely venture into the tougher rapids..
Progressive kayak cut packraft allows you to precise control over the boat and no maneuver will remain unavailable to you.
Where Ultima Eddy excels?
The classic tandem for rivers and lakes
Price 22900 Kč – 26490 Kč
A tandem packraft paying tribute to the traditions of the Czech boating. You can go with it in summer on any traditional Czech river.
Jen u nás je dobře, to já vím...
Where Ultima Toronto excels?
Packraft not only for bikerafters.
Price 19900 Kč – 21900 Kč
Cargo is the ideal packraft for bikerafters a všechny, kdo potřebují naložit více věcí - rybáře lovce a sběrače. Přitom stále lehoučká a lehce sbalitelná loď.
Where Ultima Cargo excels?
Selfbailing brother of packraft Eddy
Price 18900 Kč – 20900 Kč
Top of the line selfbailing packraft for wild water. A partner with which you can safely venture into tougher rapids..
Progressive kayak cut packraft allows you to precise control over the boat and no maneuver will remain unavailable to you.
For those who prefer an open self-bailing boat to a spruce boat.
Where Ultima Eddy SB excels?
Lightweight boat not only for fishermen
Price 13900 Kč
Packraft for those who appreciate a small lightweight boat.
It's great as a fishing approach boat, a buddy for trips where you encounter water, or a boat for summer fooling around with the kids on ponds and sandpits.
Where Ultima Wader excels?