About Us
About Us
A few years ago I was wandering with my children with a backpack on my back through the countryside around the Orllík dam. It was after the rains and down at the confluence of Skalice and Lomnice it looked like Canada. Water was pouring down the rocky embankments of the dropped Orlík towards Svatá Anna, boys were throwing sticks into the raging river and letting boats downstream from the bark. To have a boat like that with you, that would be something...
Later, we camped in the bay at Stvořidla rapids on another trip. The boys from the Beaver River book may have come here on a raft. Children were throwing wooden boats to the river. It would have been something to have a boat with us.
At the time I didn't even know there was such a thing as packraft, but after a few days of internet research I was sitting on a plane with a destination in Ivalo, Lapland, packraft in place of my carry-on luggage, and a world ahead of me that I didn't know existed, but had always wanted to be in. I experienced endless freedom in places you wouldn't otherwise get to without a boat. Freedom that anyone can experience.
And I thought it was a pity that packrafting is either basically unknown in our country, or it is perceived as fun for adrenaline freaks throwing themselves into class V rapids. Packrafts can handle adrenaline, of course, but their greatest asset is the journey to freedom. And this can be brought not only by the Lapland wilderness and five-foot rapids, but also by a simple cove on a pond somewhere, or the slowly flowing Vltava River in the autumn sun, when you have it all to yourself. And that's what it's all about.
Together with my Finnish friend Alpo, who has ridden a lot of packrafts, we started researching and testing packrafts of all kinds with the aim of creating a custom fleet that anyone can ride to freedom.
The result is Ultima Packrafts. Packrafts we trust. Rafts that set sail for freedom not only for us, but now also for our children.
Nowadays, no boat and paddles are missing from any of our backpacking trips. Hope to see you soon.
Stay Wild, Be Free
The newest packraft adventures
Read about our packrafting trips.
It was cold and it was freezing. And Christmas was over. It was time to go to Sázava. On the way to Petrov the car showed minus six and the trees were turning white. There was a grey cloud over the hundred-story city, but here, just outside of Prague, it was beautiful. I didn't go alone, but I took Honza with me,
Tak toto byl klasický letní výlet kapitána Cvaka s námořníky Rybonožkou a Pustilpádlem. Během dvou dnů na Vltavě jsem testovali tříčlenný packraft s pracovním názvem Giganta. Postrádá sice jaksi výhody packraftu, protože není ani malý ani ultralehký, ale zase na to, že jde o loď pro tři, není ani těch
Tak tuhle mašinku jsme potřebovali. Elektrická pumpička, která nafoukne packraft lehce pod dvě minuty! S Flextailem nafukujeme naše packrafty od samého začátku, nicméně nová MAX Pump 3 je ještě výkonnější než její kolegyně. Umí dávat až 500 litrů za minutu při tlaku 5 kPa a loď s ní nafouknete opravdu