Dear friends,

After endless hours of preparation and hundreds of hours of testing and tweaking, we are launching Ultima Packrafts. Packrafts that are our next step towards freedom.

You've got TPU here, TPU there, seams, tapes, diameters, valves, this or that, flooring this or that, splashbacks, seats, inflatable armrests, EVA, TIZIP and the boat is still not ready. Plus paddles, vests, rags, pumps, waterproof bags, throws, helmets and a million other things a packrafter can't do without. All of this, of course, as light and small as possible.

Then there are accounts, dépéháka, websites, hosting, payment gateways, stargates, gateways, ny, y. And an awful lot of other things we'd rather forget.

I don't want to burden you with that, of course.

The important thing is that after all this endless time, the packrafts work as we dreamed them. The test pieces of each boat have been through a lot with us and are stored pretty dry. They are waiting for the first of you who would like to take a ride.

We also have some new boats in stock, packed in boxes with Ultima Packrafts on them. These will be joined by dozens of new friends waiting for their first customers in late April and early March. For those who want to go out there somewhere where the world is still normal.

We look forward to meeting you again on our journey to freedom.

Stay Wild, Be Free…


Packraft Tramp na Vltavě

Recommended packrafts

  • Ultima Tramp


  • Ultima Eddy


  • Ultima Toronto


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